In September of 2023, NWCFD's ISO rating was re-assessed, maintaining our rating at 3/10W/10.
NWCFD has continued to receive improved ISO ratings which can give businesses and homeowners better insurance rates. If the structure is within 5 road miles from a fire station, you are an ISO class 3. If the structure is more than 5 road miles from a fire station, you are a 10 or a 10w. Property owners that live within 5-7 road miles of a fire station might qualify for discounts as a 10w rating, depending on the insurance company. ISO’s Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS)** evaluates four categories of fire suppression:
fire department • water supply,
emergency communications • community risk reduction
Municipal fire-protection efforts are rated by ISO throughout the United States through the Public Protection Program (PPC). Insurance companies use PPC information to help establish premiums for fire insurance. Many communities use the PPC as a benchmark for measuring the effectiveness of their fire-protection services. The PPC program is also a tool that helps communities plan for, budget, and justify improvements.
**The FSRS includes standards set by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) https://www.isomitigation.com
Note: ISO is a third party company and not an insurance company. Even though most property insurance companies use risk assessment tools, not all insurance companies use ISO. Please contact your insurance agent or broker if you have questions about risk assessment tools they use to calculate property insurance premiums.
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Fire Departments are given an ISO Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 rating is the best rating possible. Rating is determined on a point basis by reviewing four areas: Emergency Communications System, Fire Department, Water Supply, and Community Risk Reduction. When looking at the fire department ISO reviews such items as engine companies, ladder or service companies, deployment of fire companies, equipment carried on apparatus, pumping capacity, reserve apparatus, company personnel, and training. NWCFD is happy to announce that the Fire District will be moving to an ISO Class 3/10 Fire Department. Out of the 1,084 fire departments in Kansas rated by the ISO, only 49 fire departments in the state of Kansas have a Class 3 ISO rating, and only 24 fire departments have an ISO rating better than Class 3. Click the link below for more information about ISO and current ratings.