911 calls are immediately answered by the Sheriff Department Emergency Communication Center and are transferred to the Emergency Communication Center (ECC) to dispatch fire/ambulance within a standard of one minute. NWCFD responds to every call, as a medical first response, with a large percentage being medically related. Firefighters are also trained as EMTs, and a county paramedic squad is housed at Station 191. Lift assist is available to help someone who has fallen and can't get up.
There are 17 Med-Act Ambulance Fixed Station Units located throughout Johnson County providing advance life support emergency care within a standard eight minutes. All agencies operate under a common set of medical protocols to assure a smooth continuum of care for medical emergencies.
There is a medical tiered response from non-emergency/non-severe to Trauma which are transported to the closest trauma center - Overland Park Regional or KU medical Center. Not all calls involve lights and sirens on a response call, allowing for safer response.
Vehicle accidents are dispatched similar to medical calls with a multiple tier system, the higher the tier the more units involved. If there is a possibility of injuries, the Fire Department, Med-Act, and Sheriff's Department are all dispatched. These departments all work together to assess, act, and clear the scene as safely and quickly as possible. When a fire call is received, the level of response is determined by what is on fire - a field, structure, or automobile. Building fires dispatch many more units. There is an Automatic Aid Agreement within the county supplementing the NWCFD units with additional resources.
Med-Act is dispatched on all structure fire responses to treat someone rescued from a burning building and also to monitor the safety and well being of firefighters. Vitals and water consumption are checked to meet standards before returning to a burning structures.
As stated above, NWCFD has a signed mutual aid agreement with the following departments, allowing for the closest units to respond on major incidents. All department work together to mediate the incident quickly and efficiently as possible. Below are the following fire departments that are commonly dispatched along with NWCFD for major incidents.